Completely non-scientific thoughts on EMP-type doomsday stories

Well, nonscientific in that I am not going to even Google anything about the science on this (yet). Jericho was on TV yesterday in reruns–a big block of four episodes that I DVRed but ended up deleting when I realized that it was much later in the season, and that there are several episodes between when I stopped watching and the episodes I had. But it got me thinking about shows in which electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) are used as a doomsday device, and win.

My first example isn’t exactly the best one, but I use it for a reason. In Ocean’s Eleven (*spoilers*), the guys use an EMP to knock out Las Vegas’s electric grid for a time. With a complete acknowledgement that they’re probably playing fast and loose with the science of it, if an EMP knocks out delicate instruments, how in the world was Las Vegas able to come back up so quickly? Did they knock out all the computers on that grid, too? How many millions or billions of dollars of damage would such a pulse have done to the electronics of the part of Las Vegas that the EMP affected?

Then there’s Dark Angel–which we only see 20 years after the pulse, so there’s admittedly little dealt with in the series itself about the immediate effects of the EMP, but we do see a lot of interesting social extrapolation, where only the rich have the newest technologies and the U.S. is plunged into a new kind of depression that they might not recover from for years. (After all, when the banks’ systems crash, all those little ones and zeroes turn into just plain zeros, according to Dark Angel’s voiceover narrative in one of the earlier episodes.)

How does it happen? Well, we’ve got a service-based society, I can see how it might happen in the big cities at least. Small towns, though, tend to be a lot more self-sufficient. What Midwestern farm town doesn’t have at least two or three farmers with their own machine shops (not electromechanical–actual machine shops with tools probably inherited from their grandpa), wood shops, or even a guy or two who’s into hunting and trapping that might have a smoke shed for preserving meat? It wouldn’t serve the needs of the entire area, but that town would have resources beyond its electronics, and the food would be right out there in the fields (barring a subsequent natural disaster–it might be only corn and beans and whatever animals they might raise, plus every country garden, but they’d have food and people who knew how to cultivate it).

Limitations on even a small town, of course, would be distribution of fossil fuels and electricity. No power tools, etc. But from my experience, small towns are populated by resourceful people. As in Dark Angel, it’s the cities that would suffer most, because they generally don’t grow their own food and rely more upon electricity and fossil fuels for basic necessities like heat in the winter.

And that brings me to Jericho. The reason I stopped watching the show? All the frozen meat was thawing when the local grocery store’s backup generator died. What did they do? THEY HAD A PARTY and ATE ALL THE MEAT. No, they didn’t find the guy with the smoke shed who might be able to teach them how to preserve the meat for the winter, even though they knew they’d probably run out of food before the electricity was fixed (if it was ever going to be). No, they didn’t find the local crazy environmentalist survivalist (my town had at least one, didn’t yours?) who would be able to help them know how to cut wood in the spring and summer so that it would be dry enough to use in fireplaces and wood-burning stoves by the winter. And forget coal, which most midwestern small towns I’m familiar with would still have someone hanging on to.

Or perhaps that’s just me. My dad didn’t get an electric furnace for our house, which is 3 miles out from our small Illinois town of 2,700, until the coal hopper for our wood-burning furnace (as in, the only furnace our house had, central heat from the basement powered by wood)  finally quit, which was about 3 or 4 years ago I believe. He still cuts wood, but not as much anymore because he doesn’t have four kids at home to help him cut, haul, and stack every weekend.

We froze our meat (which we raised–pig, cow, rabbit, chicken), but my dad had plenty of friends who knew how to preserve meat, and several friends who had harness-trained horses (we raised horses for pleasure/trail riding; our family vacations were spent camping on the Jubilee College State Park horse trails near Peoria, IL) and if necessary we knew several people who could haul out their old horse or oxen-drawn plows because nobody who grew up in the Depression ever seems to have thrown anything out. (When my grandpa died in 2000, we–mostly meaning my dad and several aunts and uncles–cleaned out his barns on his farm and my grandma’s house. It took months. We found enough antiques to sell to the local antique man that we were able to establish a house maintenance fund for my grandma. We also found peaches that had been canned by my great-grandmother before she died in 1972. Sploosh!)

Okay, point being that most small towns I know have resourceful people, and the people of Jericho? They didn’t seem smart or resourceful enough to have actually populated a small town at any time in the history of the last fifty years. It was as if they’d all just moved in from L.A. last year. Oh! They did!

This is why Life As We Knew It fascinated me so much, actually. It’s not an EMP story, but it does take into account all the various ways that people can be resourceful in a doomsday scenario. And it makes me wonder how the main character of LaWKI would cope with a mere EMP blast (as opposed to the moon taking out half the earth’s ability to grow food and catastrophic climate change). I think she’d do pretty well, actually.

More recommended books and movies/shows

I keep meaning to review a few things I’ve been watching/reading lately. I have actually been allowing myself to reread a few favorites, which I haven’t in the past few years because I want to spend that time reading new stuff (and not-so-new) in my towering TBR pile. But this month I made an exception and reread Garth Nix‘s Sabriel, one of the classic 90s high fantasies that redefined what writing “high fantasy” should mean. It went beyond elves and dwarves to create a new world of necromancers, royalty, seers, the undead, and a little cat named Mogget. Okay, not this Mogget, but now you know (if you didn’t before) where I got the name.

I’m glad I took the time to go back to it, because I haven’t read it for a good eight years or so. I read it for the first time in college, when HarperCollins sent Lirael (the second book in the trilogy) to us to review at Leading Edge, the science fiction and fantasy publication I worked on at BYU (it’s an all-student-run semi-professional publication. The authors they publish are usually NOT students, but rather up-and-coming authors. If you’re looking for good short science fiction and fantasy to read, check out subscribing–it’s a pretty good deal). I didn’t feel I could review Lirael without first reading Sabriel, and I don’t think I even ended up reviewing Lirael in the end, but the series turned out to be one of my all-time favorites.

Looking at Sabriel as an editor, it’s a great example of the kind of approach to high fantasy that I’d like to see. Instead of taking Tolkien’s world and changing a few things (which can be fun, but it’s been done before), Nix created an original world in the spirit of what Tolkien did, and gave his characters compelling quests that came directly from motivations that the reader can sympathize with. The thing about high fantasy is not so much that it involves a world that includes elves, dwarves, and gnomes or whatever; it’s that it’s a fascinating world with an epic story. In Sabriel, not only was the fate of the country at stake–having grown up in Ancelstierre, Sabriel felt little connection to the Old Kingdom–her greater motivation was that her father’s life was in danger. Add in a cool magic system that pits the Dead against the living, and the Charter that controls Free Magic, and all these factors combine to a rich world with interesting characters for whom the reader roots. It’s a complex story within an interesting world, but the world is secondary to the characters and their personal stories.

Another story to look up, either in movie or book form: The Twelve Kingdoms by Fuyumi Ono. I just finished watching the anime of it from the early 90s on DVD with a friend, and it’s another rich, complicated world with several interwoven stories. The main character (at least for most of the anime), Youko, is a high school student who is suddenly spirited away to another world by Keiki, the kirin of Kei, one of twelve kingdoms. It turns out that Youko is actually from the other world, not Japan, and that when she was a baby she was caught up in a storm and deposited in her mother’s womb in Japan (this is something that occasionally happens–people are born from trees in the Twelve Kingdoms). So she never really belonged anywhere in Japan, but never really knew the reason until she came to the Twelve Kingdoms.

Spirited away with her are two of her friends from high school, Asano and Yuka. They draw the attention of the king of Kou, who doesn’t want Youko to ascend to her throne because kings and queens who come from Japan (called Kaikyaku, which I believe means something like “outsider”) tend to have kingdoms that thrive and he doesn’t want Kou to be shown up by another Kaikyaku ruler. The first arc of the anime–which I understand is also the arc of the first book–is how Youko comes to accept her role as queen, even though she never wanted to become one.

The second book and the second arc of the anime delves deeper into what a kirin’s role is–the kirin is a holy creature who has a human form and a beast form, and they choose the ruler by the mandate of the heavens. It’s really a fascinating system, mixing Buddist and other belief systems in a fantasy world. This is the kind of non-Western fantasy I’d like to see more of.

It’s too bad the TV series seems to have ended leaving us hanging on one story arc, and I know that only two of the books (originally published in Japan) have been published here in the U.S. so far by Tokyopop. So there are arcs for which I MUST know what happened still! Hopefully the books will do well here in the U.S. and we’ll get the books farther in the series that find out what happened to Taiki and the King of Tai, who seem to be mysteriously missing. But even with that thread hanging, the TV show is well worth looking up (Netflix has it, and I believe they even have it on their instant watching list, though I could be remembering wrong). I haven’t read any of the books yet myself, but several other people I know recommend them–so they’re on the list of books I want to read. But I can with authority definitely recommend the anime, with a caveat that it is from the 80s or 90s and the animation might feel dated to anyone who’s familiar with how anime has grown in the last 10 years. You’ll still love it, though.

AML conference tomorrow

It’s rather last-minute notice, but if you’re going to be in Utah Valley tomorrow, consider stopping by the Utah Valley University campus and coming to my panel for the the Association of Mormon Letters conference. Here’s the details:

YA Literature and Mormon Literature
UVU Library
2:30 p.m., Feb. 28th

I’ll be the moderator, and several LDS authors who write for young adults will be there (I was told who some of them were verbally, but I don’t have a list), as will the teen librarian from the Orem Public Library. Should be a really good panel!

“Books to look for” page

I’m working on building a page of books that I recommend and that I’ve edited (which of course I also recommend!). So far, the page only has books that I’ve edited. I really love Indiebound‘s easy linking system–you look up the book, enter your affiliate number on the book’s page, and voila! A link (with cover art) is generated for you. Occasionally there’s no cover art on their site; I’ve had to do a little tweaking for the first book of Hallowmere and a random Dragon Codex, but it’s pretty easy to edit the html for that.

I need to do a little research, though, because I’d love a widget for my sidebars that generated a random recommended book (i.e., a book from a list of predetermined books) every time a page was loaded. Wouldn’t work on LJ, I suppose (though the html link is quite nice for that), but it would be great for my new site. Last I heard, they haven’t gotten widgets yet, but hopefully they will soon.

I will also have a real page today covering all the basics of my community classes with links and directions. Remember, you need to register prior to the class.

Now, for historical fiction and nonfiction

I’m not done with the science fiction list yet–I’m afraid I’ve been sidetracked by actual work, which is a good thing!–but Quimby over at Feminist Mormon Housewives has a particular question which I thought we could help out with. She asks:

I have this kind of wonky idea that I’d like to introduce my children to some of the more difficult historical themes (racism, slavery, indigenous issues) through good children’s literature. But since I don’t really know what constitutes good children’s literature (my children are, after all, still in the board book stage) I thought I’d ask you for some suggestions.

In addition to books with historical themes, I’m also interested in books with themes that address indigenous religions or mythology. (Hey, all you Aussie lurkers, this is for you: Do any of you know a good children’s book about Dreamtime?%

Note that Quimby is an American (USian) living in Australia, so books about pretty much all over the world work for her, but I imagine books involving Australian history and American history would be of most pertinence.

My list is completely incomplete, but I love historical fiction and there’s a lot of great historical nonfiction out there for kids and young adults, too. Let’s break up the list, so as not to completely overwhelm, but feel free to mention any books of a proven quality that fit her need.

Here’s my own very partial list. I’ll have to add to it later when I have time to sit down and look at the excellent nonfiction sitting on my shelf. I wish I had the time to do an annotated bibliography, but for that, you’ll have to look to your local librarian, the many great children’s book lists out there, and others.

Here’s the list I started over there:

One book that I love is by Jacqueline Woodson, a picture book call The Other Side. It’s about a girl who sees another girl on the other side of the fence who is of a different race, and it’s a very quiet picture book about how these two girls become friends. She’s got a lot of really great books, illustrated by award-winning illustrators like Jon J. Muth (who illustrated several GREAT picture books like Zen Shorts and Stone Soup and Come on Rain!).

Then there’s Remember by Toni Morrison, which has some GREAT historical pictures about school segregation and the process of desegregation

Allen Say, Grandfather’s Journey–Japanese man immigrates to the U.S.

Walter Dean Myers, Blues Journey–Caldecott Honor about the history of the blues. Amazing illustrations

In fact there are a lot of great picture books out there on race, but you have to be choosy. There are some really bad picture books out there on Rosa Parks, for example, that perpetuate the myth that she was tired instead of actively working as a part of the bus strikes, etc.

Oh, and there’s Remembering Manzanar, which might be a little controversial because it’s a memoir.

Then there are books for much older readers which Quimby should read just because they’re really good books, and will still be classics when her kids are old enough to read them:

When My Name Was Keoko, Linda Sue Park—a Korean sister and brother are forced to change their names, when the Japanese forced the country to give up their Korean identities (WWII)

A Single Shard, Linda Sue Park—Newbery Medal—Tree-ear is an orphan boy in a 12th-century Korean potters’ village

Blue Willow, Doris Gates. An itinerant farm worker family struggle to adapt to the Great Depression.

A Long Way from Chicago, Richard Peck—Newbery Honor—a brother and sister travel from their home in Chicago to stay with their eccentric grandmother for a Depression summer. And just dang funny.
A Year Down Yonder, Richard Peck—Newbery Medal—sequel to A Long Way from Chicago

My Brother Sam Is Dead, James Lincoln Collier & Christopher Collier—Newbery Honor.
Revolutionary War about a young boy whose family gets involved in the war.

The Devil’s Arithmetic, Jane Yolen. Part time travel, part historical fiction–modern girl gets sucked back into the Holocaust. Mature subject, obviously, but handled in a way that is sensitive to a middle-grade reader.

The Witch of Blackbird Pond, Elizabeth George Speare. Witchcraft in pilgrim-era Massachusetts. Don’t think it’s actually Salem, but it’s been a few years.

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred D. Taylor. In Depression-era Mississippi, Cassie and her family struggle as a land-holding black family.

Those books above are ones I regularly recommend, so it was nice to have them explained already in a handout I already had put together!

Some authors to look for–pretty much anything by them will be good. Most are nonfiction for children and young adults:

  • Susan Campbell Bartoletti (books include Black Potatoes–great book on the Irish potato famine that sticks with me today; Kids on Strike! about child workers; Growing Up in Coal Country)
  • Jim Murphy (An American Plague, Across America on an Emigrant Train, A Young Patriot (Rev. War), Pick and Shovel Poet, The Boys’ War (Civil War))
  • Russell Freedman (great books include Newbery Award-winning Lincoln: A Photobiography)
  • Elizabeth Partridge (wonderful biography of Woody Guthrie called This Land Is Your Land: The Life and Songs of Woody Guthrie)
  • James Cross Giblin (Sibert award-winning Life and Death of Adolf Hitler)
  • Candace Fleming (Our Eleanor: A Scrapbook Look at Eleanor Roosevelt’s Remarkable Life)
  • Joyce Hansen and Gary McGowan (Freedom Roads: Searching for the Underground Railroad)

Well, that’s all I got for tonight. Good night! Feel free to add to this haphazard list.

More on the SF list

In answer to my question regarding middle grade science fiction on the Child_Lit listserv, Farah Mendlesohn replied with the address of her blog and her book list, dedicated to mostly children’s science fiction. Hooray! This will be a great resource, as will the book she wrote, which is coming out sometime this year.

Now, the book list says "YA SF," but I’m seeing everything from Captain Underpants (how could I forget him?) to Scott Westerfeld, so it encompasses more than just YA. I’ll skim and see what I can glean for the particular list we’re making here, and if you all happen to see any on there that would count as middle grade, let me know.

On to science fiction!

Okay, now that we’ve got the middle grade fantasy list, what about science fiction specifically for middle graders? I’m going to be really lenient in our definitions of science fiction, so we can include dystopian books for kids like City of Ember which are more based on science, but in which the science is kind of iffy. That takes second seat to how much fun the book is for the reader.

Remember, we’re talking specifically about books published for middle grade readers, kids age 8-12. The lines can be blurry, but I want to keep books published for young adults and adults off the list even if kids those age are reading them, simply for clarity’s sake.

Also, let’s leave off anything published prior to . . . oh, let’s give it a wide swath but say 1990. Science fiction published before those years was definitely science fiction, and there are kids who still find that interesting, but like I’ve said before, it’s a forward-looking genre, and really, books published before the kids were born will probably not be regarded as forward anything. But I gave i
t a little bigger swath than what should be probably 1997-2001, because there are a lot of good books like The Giver which are still popular in schools and aren’t set at any time that the reader couldn’t imagine to be their future.

Let’s also do a subgenre breakdown in the list, so we know why we’re calling it science fiction rather than fantasy (especially time travel novels: for the sake of clarity, few of the time travel novels have plausible science in them. I mean, do *you* know anyone who has traveled in time? but for ease of listing, I’m just plunking it in science fiction). If you have a subgenre classification I haven’t used here that applies to your book, let me know.


* City of Ember, Jeanne DuPrau
* The Giver, Lois Lowry
* Among the Hidden, Margaret Peterson Haddix
Running Out of Time, Margaret Peterson Haddix


Are there any cyberpunk books for middle graders? Would we even WANT there to be any? (Most of the cyberpunk I’ve read is pretty mature.)


Steampunk is one of those genres that crosses the line between SF and fantasy, too. The one that stands out most is Larklight by Philip Reeve. Others?

Space/spaceships/space travel

* A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle (this makes *both* fantasy and science fiction lists because it has elements of both. Please be careful when suggesting books like this, but if it it fits, it goes on the list)

Time travel

* Many Waters, Madeleine L’Engle (also a double, fuzzy, slippage kind of book)

Other planets

* Dragonsong, Anne McCaffrey (this goes on this list as much as or more than it does on fantasy, given that the dragons are actually just native to the new planet) new info says this book is definitely YA–sex in later books in the series
* Dragon and Thief (Dragonback), Timothy Zahn 

So far the length of this list sucks. I *know* there are more books out there, but my fantasy collection here at home is far more vast than my science fiction collection. Every SF book I think of tends to be more YA than MG.  I know that Rebecca Moesta and Kevin J. Anderson have spoken out about how little SF there is for kids, but I don’t know that I’d classify Crystal Doors as more SF than fantasy, and most places I’ve seen it sold in the YA section anyway.

So, what’s out there, people?

The final middle grade fantasy list

ETA 7/24/13: I’ve added a few titles to the list below (and deleted a few that I realized were more YA than MG), but if you want a really up-to-date version, follow me on Pinterest, where I keep a number of book lists, including this one, up to date as new titles become available.


Next week I’ll move on to science fiction, which, if we don’t count stuff published in the 1950s and 60s (I love Bova and Heinlein, but SF is by its very nature forward-looking, not back, and the kids of today need SF that takes them even farther than the SF world they’re already living in), will feel like a very short list. But hey, look at this huge list we just created! Maybe it won’t be so short after all.
So, behind the cut you’ll find the list you all helped me make. It may not contain every suggestion because sometimes I just didn’t know the books well enough to judge whether they would be right for the list, and sometimes I felt like they didn’t fit either “middle grade” or “fantasy” enough for my personal whims. And it’s exactly that, my own whims.

Feel free to copy for your own use and amend as necessary–this isn’t a comprehensive list (though it feels darn close), but hopefully it’s a great resource for any of us wanting to expand our reading. I know it will be for me!

Thanks for all your help!

Alcatraz vs. the Evil Librarians, Brandon Sanderson
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll
Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer
Babe: The Gallant Pig, Dick King-Smith
Beauty, Robin McKinley
Bedknob and Broomstick, Mary Norton
Billy Bones, Christopher Lincoln
Boggart, Susan Cooper
The Book of Three, The Black Cauldron, Lloyd Alexander
The Borrowers, Mary Norton
The Chaos King, Laura Ruby
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl
Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, Roald Dahl
Charlie Bone, Jenny Nimmo
Charlotte’s Web, E.B. White
Children of Green Knowe, L.M. Boston
Children of the Lamp: The Akhenaten Adventure, P.B. Kerr
The Chrestomanci Chronicles, Diana Wynne Jones
Coraline, Neil Gaiman
Darkside, Tom Becker
The Deep Freeze of Bartholomew Tullock, Alex Williams
Dragon Castle, Joseph Bruchac
Dragon Keeper, Carole Wilkinson
Dragonlance: The New Adventures, various authors, including Tim Waggoner, Ree Soesbee, Dan Willis, Jeff Sampson, Christina Woods, Stephen D. Sullivan, and Stan Brown
Dragon’s Milk, Susan Fletcher
Dreamhunter/Dreamquake, Elizabeth Knox
Ella Enchanted, Gail Carson Levine
Eva Ibbotson’s books (I’ve meant to read her stuff for years but haven’t ever gotten around to it)
Fablehaven, Brandon Mull
The False Prince, Jennifer A. Nielsen
Five Children and It, E. Nesbit (and pretty much anything by E. Nesbit)
The Folk Keeper, Franny Billingsley
The Gammage Cup, Carol Kendall
A Gift of Magic, Lois Duncan
Half Magic, Edward Eager
Hall Family Chronicles, Jane Langton
Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling
The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hoboken Chicken Emergency, Daniel Pinkwater
Hugo Pepper, Paul Stewart & Chris Riddel
Inkheart, Cornelia Funke
Into the Wild, Sarah Beth Durst
James & the Giant Peach, Roald Dahl (man, I loved this one in about 3rd or 4th grade)
The Key to Rondo, Emily Rodda
The Last Dragon, Silvana de Mari
The Last Unicorn, Peter S. Beagle
The Light Princess, George MacDonald
The Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (Narnia), C.S. Lewis
Little Sister, Kara Dalkey
The Mad Scientists’ Club, Bertrand R. Brinley
The Magic Thief, Sarah Prineas
Many Waters, Madeleine L’Engle (part of the Wrinkle in Time series, technically, but far enough forward that I kind of count it separately)
Mary Poppins, P.L. Travers
Matilda, Roald Dahl
May Bird and the Ever After, Jodi Lynn Anderson
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH, Robert C. O’Brien
Mister Monday (Keys to the Kingdom), Garth Nix
The Monster in the Mudball, S.P. Gates
The Mouse and His Child, Russell Hoban
My Rotten Life: Nathan Abercrombie, Accidental Zombie, David Lubar (ARC, to be published this August)
The Mysterious Benedict Society, Trenton Lee Stewart
The Name of This Book Is Secret, Pseudonymous Bosch
The Neverending Story, Michael Ende
Nightmare Academy, Dean Lorey
Of Mice and Magic, David Farland
Over Sea, Under Stone, Susan Cooper
Pendragon, D.J. MacHale
Peter Pan & Wendy, J.M. Barrie
The Phantom Tollbooth, Norton Juster
The Power of Three, Diana Wynne Jones
Princess Academy, Shannon Hale
The Princess and the Goblin/The Princess and Curdie, George MacDonald
The Princess Tales (Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep, etc.), Gail Carson Levine
First Test, Page, Squire, and Lady Knight, Tamora Pierce
Ranger’s Apprentice
Red Dragon Codex, R.D. Henham
Redwall, Brian Jacques
Savvy, Ingrid Law
Sea of Trolls, Nancy Farmer
The Seeing Stone, Kevin Crossley-Holland
The Shadow Thieves, Anne Ursu
Skulduggery Pleasant, Derek Landy
Snow Spider (Magician trilogy)
Standard Hero Behavior, John David Anderson
The Fairy Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm), Michael Buckley (I LOVE this series)
The Spiderwick Chronicles, Holly Black and Tony DiTerlizzi
The Stink Files, Holm & Hamel
Stoneflight, Georgess McHargue
The Story of the Treasure Seekers, E. Nesbit
Stuart Little, E.B. White
Swan Sister, Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow
The Tale of Despereaux, Kate DiCamillo
The 13th Reality, James Dashner
39 Clues, Rick Riordan et al.
Tom’s Midnight Garden, Phillippa Pearce
The Trumpet of the Swan, E.B. White
Un Lun Dun, China Mieville
Vampirates, Justin Somper
The Wall and the Wing, Laura Ruby
Warriors, Erin Hunter
Watership Down, Richard Adams
Well Wished, Franny Billingsley
What the Witch Left, The Wednesday Witch, The Secret Tree House, Ruth Chew
The Wind in the Willows, Kenneth Grahame
The Witches, Roald Dahl
Whales on Stilts, M.T. Anderson
A Wolf at the Door, Terri Windling and Ellen Datlow (also in The Dark of the Woods)
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum

MG fantasy or not?

No one can read every book out there, especially people who are extremely busy. One can try, though–hence my trying to make a list of great middle grade fantasy. I haven’t read every book on that list, but they all come recommended from someone if I haven’t read them and loved them myself, so now I get the chance to start checking them off the list and seeing if I agree!

I just found another stack of books in my extremely large TBR pile, though, and I haven’t read most of them myself, and some of them I’m not even sure if they’re YA or MG. I’m wondering if any of you have read them, and if so, if you’d add them to the list.

  • The Key to Rondo, Emily Rodda (who is the author of the extremely popular Deltora Quest books)
  • The Shadow Thieves, Anne Ursu
  • The Chaos King, Laura Ruby (the ARC I have says 10 and up)
  • The Faerie Wars, Herbie Brennan (I read about half of this a few years ago but a project took my attention away, and I never came back. Would you consider this one MG or YA? Perhaps it fits in the 10 and up category that crosses over?)
  • Book of a Thousand Days, Shannon Hale (the only one on the list I’ve read all the way through. LOVE this book. I wouldn’t count it as strictly middle-grade, especially with a 15-year-old protagonist, but it does make me wonder if it’s a 10 and up kind of book. Though it’s really about the love story, so perhaps I just need to start making a YA list! But right now, concentrate! Middle grade!)
  • The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen, James Lincoln Collier (this is the author of My Brother Sam Is Dead, which I loved. Does the ghostly voice whispering to the main character constitute fantasy? I’m not sure, given that I haven’t read it myself. Anyone who has read it, please let me know.)
  • The Tygrine Cat, Inbali Iserles
  • The Deep Freeze of Bartholomew Tullock, Alex Williams

And please keep adding to the ever-growing list!