Hurricane update

The hurricane was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit us early Sunday morning, and in my neck of the woods (northern Manhattan), it was pretty much just a strong thunderstorm that I slept right through. I didn’t lose power and it was sunny by 11 am.

However, not as much can be said for other areas of the greater NYC area—New Jersey, Queens, and Brooklyn all had areas with power outages, downed trees, and flooding, and it was even worse in upstate New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, and some parts of Massachusetts, where they’re still recovering from flooding and power outages. But the worst part of the storm for New England seems to be in Vermont, at least according to the reports I’ve seen from friends who are currently trapped in their house (thankfully on a hill) because their whole road just washed away; bridges are washed away and in nearby towns the whole downtown is flooded. I hope that despite the millions in damage to farms and businesses, that the people and animals who live there are okay.

Here are a few links and videos from Jo Knowles, a YA author who lives in Vermont, who is the friend I heard about the situation in VT from:

The Bennington, VT Banner reporting on damage in that area

Ottauquechee Over Banks Flooding Rt. 4 West



This one gets down to show how it’s affecting Vermonters on a personal level—their whole road is washed away.

One thought on “Hurricane update

  1. Whoa. The videos look like the storm did some real damage, but it sounds like everyone’s okay though. Luckily it died down before it hit your area. Glad to hear it.

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