Critiques update/other news

If you’re waiting on me for a full manuscript critique, I’m hoping to get back to several people this week as I finish up loose ends on a number of projects, and even more loose ends on several short projects. If you don’t hear back from me on your full manuscript this week (those of you who I’ve said I will get back to this week will hear from me, no worries), you will probably get feedback next week.

In other news, this week is BYU’s Writing for Young Readers conference. I’m not involved with it this year, but I’ve heard a lot of excited chatter from people who will be attending, so I hope those who do go will have fun and learn a lot from people like Tracy and Laura Hickman and Greenwillow editor Martha Mihalick.

The weather has been so beautifully mild for the last few weeks, I’m wondering if I brought Seattle weather with me, as I always do when I travel to Utah. I thought that trend would end with me moving here, but perhaps not!

I am off to get back to work on the edits I owe several writers, so have a good week!