LTUE and the undead cold

For the last couple of days I’ve been at BYU’s Life, the Universe, and Everything, sniffling my way through several panels. The zombie cold seems to be lightening up–it was a whole lot worse yesterday than it was today, though my nose still feels like it’s a drippy faucet.

So far I’ve had a great time catching up with local authors and readers who I usually see a few times a year–and hanging out with old friends who I see nowadays a whole lot more often than I have in the past. 🙂 Had some great salmon, etc. etc. Your average small local con (symposium!), but peppered with a high percentage of knowledgable published authors. We were talking about that at dinner tonight, actually–not that it’s news or anything to many people, but Utah really is a hotbed of authorly experience.

Tomorrow I’m on three panels, and if you’re heading to LTUE, I’ll inform you right now that I plan to hijack the noon panel on “the difference between MG/YA and mainstream [sic] books.” Yeah, baby, since we don’t have a moderator, I’ve come up with my own questions, because the four or five other panels we’ve already had in the last two days have already rehashed the definition of children’s books to death. So it will be a panel potpourri. Our first question: the ever-controversial “zombies or unicorns?” Given my cold, I think the zombies have it in for me, so I’m siding with Team Unicorn.

Stay tuned. I think it’ll be the best panel yet.

No, seriously. It’s an important question. Just ask Holly Black or Justine Larbalestier.

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