Bring wine, not a bullhorn

I’ve found all sorts of new people on Twitter to learn from. One is Chris Webb, Associate Publisher of Technology at John Wiley and Sons. I found his blog through his twitter. This post especially will be of interest to authors and anyone else seeking to reach readers through social media, a topic which of course we’ve discussed here in the past. It’s short and sweet, and I quote the most important part here:

It seems simple and obvious, but the statement is at the heart of what usually goes wrong for those who only view social media as another channel to send the same old messages. Y
ou need to be a part of the community, connecting, contributing and sharing and not just broadcasting about your product or service. If you do this, the opportunities to introduce people to your product or service will present themselves naturally. But you have to listen and watch for them as part of the ongoing conversation.

Note that what he says is actually from a larger webinar which he links to.