MG fantasy or not?

No one can read every book out there, especially people who are extremely busy. One can try, though–hence my trying to make a list of great middle grade fantasy. I haven’t read every book on that list, but they all come recommended from someone if I haven’t read them and loved them myself, so now I get the chance to start checking them off the list and seeing if I agree!

I just found another stack of books in my extremely large TBR pile, though, and I haven’t read most of them myself, and some of them I’m not even sure if they’re YA or MG. I’m wondering if any of you have read them, and if so, if you’d add them to the list.

  • The Key to Rondo, Emily Rodda (who is the author of the extremely popular Deltora Quest books)
  • The Shadow Thieves, Anne Ursu
  • The Chaos King, Laura Ruby (the ARC I have says 10 and up)
  • The Faerie Wars, Herbie Brennan (I read about half of this a few years ago but a project took my attention away, and I never came back. Would you consider this one MG or YA? Perhaps it fits in the 10 and up category that crosses over?)
  • Book of a Thousand Days, Shannon Hale (the only one on the list I’ve read all the way through. LOVE this book. I wouldn’t count it as strictly middle-grade, especially with a 15-year-old protagonist, but it does make me wonder if it’s a 10 and up kind of book. Though it’s really about the love story, so perhaps I just need to start making a YA list! But right now, concentrate! Middle grade!)
  • The Dreadful Revenge of Ernest Gallen, James Lincoln Collier (this is the author of My Brother Sam Is Dead, which I loved. Does the ghostly voice whispering to the main character constitute fantasy? I’m not sure, given that I haven’t read it myself. Anyone who has read it, please let me know.)
  • The Tygrine Cat, Inbali Iserles
  • The Deep Freeze of Bartholomew Tullock, Alex Williams

And please keep adding to the ever-growing list!