LTUE itinarary and schedule

I’ve already posted my panel schedule for LTUE before, but it’s less than two weeks away, so I thought a reminder might be in order for anyone heading to that. It’s free, so it’s an especially good networking opportunity for anyone in the area.
Also, I have a confirmed schedule for when I’ll be arriving and leaving from Utah. Yay! I arrive Wed. morning and leave again Sunday morning. So I’ll be available for gatherings in the evenings Thurs-Sat (Wed is reserved for LTUE stuff).
Once there, here’s my panel schedule:
Thurs. 9:00 am: Reception/Book Signing
Thurs. 1:00: School and Library Visits
Thurs. 2:00: The First Paragraph Decision
Fri. 9:00am: Publicity and Self-promotion
Fri. 2:00: Main Address
Fri. 3:00: Where is the YA Science Fiction?
Fri. 4:00: Understanding the Slush Pile
Sat. 10:30 – 10:55 am: SF: Expressing Individuality And “It’s Okay To Be Different”
Sat. 1:30 – 1:55 pm: Give A Kid A Book: What Books Are Best For Kids?
Sat. 4:00 pm: Second-class Citizens
Sat. 5:0
0 pm: How to Get the Attention of Publishers and Agents
Let me know if you’ll be in town and want to get together.