Hallowmere’s first review!

From Tiffany Trent’s LJ (): “Fellow 2k7er and Bold YA Reading Adventurer, has posted a review of In the Serpent’s Coils on her blog. Check it.
Do I get to wear a T-shirt now that says Queen of Creepy?”
Here’s part of what Sarah Beth said:

If you’re looking for gothic spooky, this novel is for you. It’s the kind of book that makes you want to snuggle up on the couch with a cat and some hot chocolate. Tiffany does a fabulous job creating an eerie atmosphere. Seriously, you look up from the novel and expect to see fog around your ankles and a taloned hand reaching for your neck…

Thanks, Sarah Beth! I’m so excited others are loving Hallowmere as much as I did when I first read it–probably on my own couch with Mogget (my cat) and a hot chocolate. 🙂 The rest of you, keep an eye out–if you’re headed to BEA or ALA Midwinter or Annual this year, you too could devour an ARC of In the Serpent’s Coils.