Comic Con day 2

Quite an entertaining day. Highlights are things I wish I had a digital camera to share with you. But I googled what I saw, and turns out, one of two did have images to share. So, for your enjoyment, I share:
Stormtrooper Elvis
Sorry, the img src tag wasn’t working; not sure why.
The other highlight of the day was a t-shirt in the window of none other than Urban Outfitters, a place I’d never expect to have a T-shirt emblazoned with the following slogan:
“Sex, Drugs, and Dungeons & Dragons”
Other happenings: went to the Hasbro Vault party to see what’s in the vault for the next few years (our parent company is Hasbro). Got to see the toys for Ghost Rider. Didn’t get to see what was in the Vault (prototypes for the next few years) because they closed it until they could finish with an announcement. I waited around another 1/2 hour for the announcement, but by the time they started I was exhausted and realized I could barely stand up, so I headed back to my hotel room. When I looked at my legs tonight, I realized they’d swelled to about half again their normal size. I’m sitting here icing them and hoping I can last 3 more days. I’ve been dealing with some crazy health issues lately, so being on my feet without sitting at all for 12 hours a day isn’t working well with my legs.
On the bright side, though, went to an audiobook panel (and got to sit down for an hour) and learned a lot about the production of an audiobook. Did you know that the actor who reads an audiobook usually just makes notes or highlights the book itself, and reads directly from it? I’d always pictured something much more involved or high tech. Turns out, also, that the recording process for a book generally lasts about a week for an unabridged, one-narrator book. That’s just recording time, not prep or postproduction, but still, interesting tidbit.
Looking forward to ‘s panel with Tony DiTerlizzi and Mirrorstone author Matt Forbeck (Knights of the Silver Dragon). The subject is “Competing for the YA mind with words and pictures” tomorrow. Hopefully will catch up with then, too–she’s at the con as an attendee, and unless she drops by the Wizards, booth, there’s no way I’ll find her in the sheer mass of people at the